Workplace Trends: Shifts in Hours and Productivity in 2025
Changing Work Hours
According to the 2025 State of the Workplace Report by Activtrak, the traditional work schedule has shifted, with the average American workday now beginning at 8:00 AM and ending at approximately 4:39 PM. This is a notable change from two years ago when typical end times were around 5:21 PM.
Productivity Insights
Gabriela Mauch, head of Activtrak’s Productivity Lab, stated that “These are healthy numbers,” reflecting the increased flexibility and productivity in workplace dynamics as companies adapt to new norms.
Activtrak’s analysis included data from nearly 200,000 employees across 777 companies, revealing a 2% increase in overall productivity. Notably, employees tend to experience working bursts averaging 24 minutes, contributing to this increase.
Peak Productivity Months
The report highlighted that the months of August and December saw the most workdays, averaging 9 days per month. Mauch explained that the busy August period follows post-holiday adjustments, while December reflects the urgency of year-end deliverables. Contrastingly, the months of February and October reported the shortest workdays, averaging just 8 hours and 35 minutes.
The Impact of Remote Work
A significant finding from the report is the notable productivity levels of remote-only workers. The report indicates that these employees are 29 minutes more productive per day compared to their in-office counterparts, underscoring the efficiency of remote work arrangements.
Future of Work
Despite the push for employees to return to office environments, the report emphasizes that remote work remains a strong and effective option for productivity. This supports a growing trend in the workplace where flexibility and employee well-being are prioritized.